Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Acid Java", Curing Various Kinds of Disease

"Acid Java" is used in many parts of the territory of Asia, some recipes that you might use is to treat asthma, ulcers cure, to treat fever, etc., some of these recipes are:

1. For dry cough, use the fruit "acid Java" as many as three peas and a half cell saga leaves. Both materials are boiled in four cups of water until there was only one glass, then strain and drink twice a day every morning and afternoon.

2. For asthma sufferers, two pieces of leather rebuslah "Javanese acid" and fennel with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered. Drinking water twice a day.

3. To cure a fever, boiled leaves of a single cell "acid Java" and fennel. Strain the water and drink twice a day, morning afternoon, the fever will recover soon.

4. Itchy scar dried fruit can be treated with "acid Java" is moistened with clean boiled water, then rubbed into the scar that itches. Alternatively, one tablespoon full of tamarind leaves, turmeric master piece, washed, crushed, taped to the scar that itches.

5. For some abdominal pain prescription choices.
The first recipe, the three pods fruit "Javanese acids" that are ripe betel mixed with lime and eucalyptus oil. Evenly mixed and used as medicines especially in the belly rub. If you want to drink potions, brewed three pods fruit "acid Java" with a piece of palm sugar.

6. To Treat Boils
The trick is ripe tamarind fruit flesh of already processed and it was black, not brown for quail eggs, soaked in 1 cup of water to expand, five slices of ginger are washed before sliced palm sugar for the sweetener. All that water boiled half. Taken only once a day until healed. And attached to the drug, taking acid kawak for quail eggs, a little salt and a little oil mixed and pulverized and applied to boils.

So for you who may need a mixture of natural herbal and fruit seem very useful "acid Java" This could be a major reference.